We are aware that patients are experiencing challenges accessing some daily growth hormone therapies.
Please be assured that once-weekly SKYTROFA® is not affected and is available for your patients.

Help Your Patients
Experience Growth

Boy and girl discuss soccer.

A Clinical Commitment

SKYTROFA® has been studied in over 300 children with GHD, including treatment‑naïve and treatment-experienced patients1‑3

SKYTROFA phase 3 program in pediatric GHD1‑4

Chart of Skytropha Phase 3 Program
Young boy at the doctor's office
Magnifying Glass Icon

A total of 298 of the 307 children with GHD who completed the heiGHt and fliGHt trials continued into the enliGHten open-label extension for long-term safety assessments1-4

Experience Growth

Once-weekly SKYTROFA: Demonstrated higher AHV* at week 52 in treatment-naïve children compared with a daily somatropin1,2

AHV and height changes from baseline at week 52: Once-weekly SKYTROFA versus daily somatropin1,2*

* At week 52, patients receiving once-weekly SKYTROFA had an AHV of 11.2 cm/year compared with 10.3 cm/year for those receiving a daily somatropin, and a change from baseline in height SDS of 1.10 compared with 0.96.1,2
  • The treatment difference in AHV with SKYTROFA compared with daily somatropin was 0.9 cm/year1,2
    • 95% CI of 0.2 to 1.5 cm/year1,2
    • The weekly dose of hGH was equivalent to 0.24 mg hGH/kg/week for both SKYTROFA and daily somatropin1
  • The change in mean bone age from baseline to week 52 was similar with SKYTROFA and daily somatropin, and the observed mean BMI SDS remained within normal range for both groups2,5

Sustained growth was achieved with SKYTROFA in treatment-naïve patients6

Patients treated with SKYTROFA had a greater increase from baseline in height SDS compared with patients treated with a daily somatropin2‡

LS mean by ANCOVA.2
Patients treated with SKYTROFA and daily somatropin had an increase in height SDS from baseline (SE) of 1.10 (0.04) and 0.96 (0.05) at week 52, respectively. Estimated difference = 0.14 SDS.2
Efficacy And Safety Guide Brochure

Efficacy and Safety Guide
Learn more about the clinical differentiation of SKYTROFA.


Once-weekly SKYTROFA makes dosing easy for patients and their healthcare professionals